Even though you might be feeling great, if you’re over forty you may be at risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes or dementia.
A free NHS Health Check can help you reduce these risks and make sure that you stay healthy.
What’s involved?
The check is completely confidential and only takes about 20-30 minutes. You will be asked a few straightforward questions about your family history and your lifestyle and we will check your weight, height, blood pressure, BMI and cholesterol. Your Health Professional will talk you through the results and give you personalised advice to help you stay healthy. The results will then be sent to your GP.
Who can have a Health Check?
Anyone who fits ALL the eligibility criteria below can book an appointment:
• You are aged between 40-74 years old
• You have NOT had an NHS Health Check in the past 5 years
• You are NOT suffering or diagnosed with stroke, heart disease, angina, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, kidney disease, dementia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
• You are NOT currently taking statins or medication for high blood pressure
• You live in Surrey or are registered to a Surrey GP practice
How can I book an appointment?
If you fit ALL the above eligibility criteria, you can book an appointment here:
Free Workplace Health Checks
- Body Mass Index (BMI) check
- Cholesterol check
- Blood pressure check
- Healthy lifestyle discussion
Find out more
Please call into reception or email us to find out more.
T 01737 779979
E health@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk
YMCA Sports & Community Centre, Princes Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6JJ