Join in

  • Sign up at:
  • Choose a walk that’s suitable for your needs
  • No need to book in advance, just turn up on the day (please try and get to the starting point 10 minutes before the walk starts)
  • Walks are free, but voluntary donations are welcome.
  • If necessary, please speak to a healthcare professional before increasing your activity levels

Click to download our walk timetable

Walk leaders wanted

Do you enjoy walking and have a reasonable level of fitness? Are you sociable and reliable and able to commit to either 2 hours on a weekly or monthly basis? We are currently recruiting volunteers to train as walk leaders.

A half day’s training and ongoing support is provided. Most of our walks are around 60 – 90 minutes, accessible by public transport and start and end at points where refreshments are available.

This rewarding role offers a degree of flexibility, with a number of ways in which to volunteer. So if you are keen to try something different, please do get in touch for a chat.

T 01737 779979

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