As one of the largest local providers of community services, YMCA East Surrey is proud of the high regard in which it is held by both the recipients of its programmes and its supporters. This policy is intended to provide managers, fundraisers and supporters with principles and guidelines for raising money from all sources.

In light of recent media criticisms of charity fundraising, we would like to reassure all our current and potential supporters and donors of YMCA East Surrey that we are an ethically-based organisation and are very mindful of the sensitivities around fundraising. We strive to work in a fully responsible and transparent way to raise charitable monies for our many beneficiaries.

We would like to thank you for the funds you have, or are considering, donating and would be more than happy to answer any concerns you may have.

Fundraising Policy

This policy is intended to provide information on the principles and guidelines for fundraising from all sources.

The policy addresses YMCA East Surrey’s commitment to the Code of Fundraising Practice, as well as outlining the responsibilities of staff, Board members and volunteers involved with fundraising.

The policy covers all staff, trustees, volunteers, casual workers, contracted employees and supporters of YMCA East Surrey.

Policy and procedure
All fundraising activities must be approved by either the CEO, the Fundraising Manager or the Event Coordinator.

Code of Fundraising Practice
YMCA East Surrey will ensure that all Board members, managers, staff and volunteers carrying out fundraising activity are expected to act in accordance with the Code of Fundraising Practice, see

In particular, we will adhere to the principles of the Code, namely that our fundraising will always be legal, honest, open and respectful.

Legal requirements and data protection
Staff will ensure they comply, in all of their fundraising activities, with the law as it applied to charities and fundraising. This includes the General Data Protection Regulation, see YMCA East Surrey’s data protection policy.

All funds raised will be used for the purpose for which they were raised, and within a reasonable timeframe. We recognise that donors have the right to obtain complete and timely information on how their funds are used and will provide this if requested.

Accurate records of all donations, grant applications and funding bids must be collected and stored by the Fundraising Manager and the Events Coordinator.

Personal information provided to YMCA East Surrey will be kept confidential and will not be sold, rented, or given to any third parties without consent.

Staff shall not exploit their position for personal gain, they shall accept compensation by salary or set fee only.

Funds will not be accepted from organisations or individuals where the CEO or Board of Trustees considers there is reasonable evidence to suggest that association with the individual or organisation may lead to disrepute.

All printed materials used for fundraising must be reviewed and approved by the CEO prior to being published to generate funds or promote an event.

YMCA East Surrey will not conduct any cold calling or door to door solicitation of the public.

YMCA East Surrey will ensure all publicity and promotional activities are truthful and do not exaggerate.

Positive images will be used to convey fundraising messages. We will not use images that make use of human misery or in any way compromise the dignity of any human being.

Fundraising events
The CEO and the Head of Central Services shall be given full access to the revenue/expenses of the event.

Organisers of fundraising events will ensure that adequate risk assessments are carried out prior to the event taking place.

Where possible all costs of fundraising events will be covered by participants to ensure that all sponsorship received will go directly to cover the charitable work of YMCA East Surrey.