First Aid Course – Daisy First Aid

This 2-hour workshop is delivered by Daisy First Aid and focuses on first aid for babies and young children. We will cover such issues as:

  • Baby, child and adult CPR and recovery positions
  • Head injury
  • Fevers and seizures
  • Choking and fractures

Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme is an educational programme exploring the abusive tactics, controlling behaviours and belief systems of a perpetrator of domestic abuse and the effects on survivor’s health and well-being. Please call us on 01306 740095 to book onto the next programme.

If you are currently experiencing domestic abuse, we recommend you contact ESDAS (East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services):
T 01737 771350
Mon-Fri | 09:00-16:00 (confidential answerphone out of hours)

Messy Mondays
Mondays (term-time) | 10:00-11:30

For babies and children under 5 years old
Cost: £2 per family

Feel free to turn up at the Mole Valley Family Centre. No need to book! For more information about the group call 01306 740095

Parenting Puzzle
Raising children can be puzzling at times, but puzzles have solutions – and the Parenting Puzzle course provides them. This 10 week informal course gives you tips and advice on how to get the best out of family life.

Wednesday 23 April – 2 July (with a break on 28 May for half-term)
Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Road, Dorking, RH4 2LR

To register interest for the next course please call 01306 740095 or email

Seesaw Baby Group
Run by the Perinatal Mental Health Service on Mondays at Goodwyns Road, 1.00 – 2.30pm.

Speak to your Perinatal Mental Health Nurse for more information.

Speech and Language Stay & Play
Wednesday 23 April 2025 (5 week course) | 13:15-14:30

A 5 week Stay and Play group for pre-school children where there is a concern about development of speech and language skills (talking, listening, understanding and interacting). Parents attend the group for 5 weeks with their child. Ideas and strategies to use at home will be provided and the staff will be able to advise you about how to support speech and
language development. This course is run jointly by Speech and Language Therapy and Mole Valley Family Centre.

We ask for a donation of £2 per family per week to help towards the costs of running the group.

To discuss if this is the right group for you and your child please call us on 01306 740095 or email

Stay and Play
Tuesdays (term-time) | 10:00-11:30

A stay and play group for parents and their pre-school children run jointly by Home Start East Surrey and Mole Valley Family Centre. Each week, the garden and playroom will be set up with activities to encourage exploration, curiosity and imagination. Staff will be on hand to support children and parents as they learn and play together. We end each session with songs and rhymes. We ask for a donation of £2 per family per week to help towards the costs of running the group.

This group is open to families supported by Home Start or the Family Centre, as well as those referred in by a Health Professional. To discuss if this is the right group for you and your child please contact us.

T 01306 740095