YMCA East Surrey Family Centres offer a wide range of activities and services to support family life for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-18 years (up to 25 for those with children/young people with additional needs and disabilities).
Epsom Downs Family Centre is situated on the site of Epsom Downs Community School.
What's on at the Epsom Downs Family Centre
ASD/ADHD Support Group
Friday 31 January | 09:30 – 11:30
Support group for families with children with ASD/ADHD and similar communication and behavioural difficulties.
The group has guest speakers and offers the chance to chat with other parents and carers. Contact Elaine Kelley at tadworthasdgroup@gmail.com. Free to attend.
Speech and Language Stay and Play
Thursdays (5 week block of sessions) | 09:45 – 11:00
Speech and Language Stay and Play – at Epsom Downs Family Centre.
A Stay and Play group run by a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant for young children where there is a concern about the development of speech and language skills (talking, listening, understanding, and interacting).
The sessions include Ideas and strategies to use at home with your child and staff will be able to advise you about how to support speech and language development.
You do not need a speech and language therapy referral to attend this free group. To book your place and establish if this is the right group for you and your child please contact the centre by emailing reigatebansteadfamilycentre@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk, or speak to your Health Visitor or Community Nursery Nurse.
Parents to attend the group for the five sessions on Thursdays with their child.
Dates:27 February, 6 March, 13 March, 20 March & 27 March
Epsom Downs Family Centre, St Leonards Road, Epsom Downs, Surrey, KT18 5RJ
T 01737 851079 / 01737 851085
E reigatebansteadfamilycentre@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk
Opening hours
Monday – Friday | 09:00-16:00