WAVES is a youth group with a difference. We recognise that it isn’t always easy to talk about our emotional and mental wellbeing. The reality is that you are not alone!

If you’re between 11 (Year 7+) to 17 years old and experiencing stress with school, family or friends, or just finding it hard to cope, then come to one of our WAVES sessions. Our free drop-in sessions offer a relaxed space where you can talk to other young people who have experienced similar issues. Come along for games, crafts, cooking, discussions or just a place to unwind and relax.

Register to attend

Fill out our registration form or scan the QR code to sign up

WAVES sessions

Our free sessions provide a safe space for 11 (Year 7+) to 17 year olds experiencing emotional wellbeing difficulties. You can talk in complete confidence to others with similar experiences, take part in activities, as well as build friendships and support networks with others.

Mondays (term-time) | Reigate
YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Road, Reigate, RH2 8HA

Tuesdays (term-time) | Oxted
Oxted Community Hall 53 Church Lane, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 9NB

Wednesdays (term-time) | Tadworth
Phoenix Youth Centre, Preston Manor Road, Tadworth KT20 5FB

Thursdays (term-time) | Horley
YMCA Horley Young People and Family Centre, The Old Fire Station, Albert Road, Horley, RH6 7JA

Fridays (term-time) | Redhill
The Annexe, The Redhill Centre, 132-138 Station Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1ET (Access is through the back gate on Fairfax Avenue)

Free Easter Activities

“I have never been to a youth club group before outside of school because I never felt I fitted. WAVES is perfect for me. I have made new friends who I know will support me and have learnt a lot.”

Find out more

If you would like to find out more, please contact us.

T 07300 862430
E waves@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk

YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Road, Reigate, RH2 8HA

* NHS Digital (2023): ‘Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023’. Available at: https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/mental-health-of-children-and-young-people-in-england/2023-wave-4-follow-up