Yip4Youth is YMCA East Surrey’s fun and friendly youth scheme for young people with disabilities aged 12-17, including young people who need 1:1 support and we are now running in Leatherhead!
Find out more about Yip4Youth
YMCA East Surrey has been running fun play and youth schemes for children and young people with disabilities for over 20 years. We are delighted to extend our services into Leatherhead in partnership with Surrey County Council. This new provision will be open to children and young people aged 5-17 and will run on Saturdays and during school holidays.
Saturdays | 10:00-16:00
£30 per day (£33 from 1 April)
Fox Grove School, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7PW
Find us on Google maps
Easter holidays & May half-term | 10:00-16:00
£30 per day (£33 from 1 April)
Fox Grove School, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7PW
Find us on Google maps
Financial support
We are able to provide financial support to attend our Short Breaks sessions for any families who may struggle financially.
Find out more about our 1,000 Days of Play funding
Find out more
To find out more about Yip4Youth in Leatherhead, please contact Miriam Casal.
T 01737 222859
E Miriam.Casal@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk
To register, we ask you to complete a care plan and arrange a time to meet us. To find out more about Yip4Youth, please contact our Short Breaks team or fill out a Short Breaks enquiry form.